#Mars500tweetup–Tutti i tweet

(English version of this page)

Il 6 Dicembre si è dunque svolta a Roma la conferenza stampa di Mars500 e il successivo tweetup a cui hanno partecipato 20 fortunati  selezionati dall’ESA per diffondere su twitter la cronaca dell’evento. Siamo stati ospitati presso un lussuoso hotel nel centro di Roma, vicino piazza Barberini.

Mars500Tweetup 001 creazione panorama

Ho già mostrato alcune immagini dell’evento (qui, dove potete trovare anche il racconto della missione e la registrazione della conferenza stampa di Parigi) e ora voglio raccontarvi il tweetup con il mezzo migliore: gli stessi tweet dei partecipanti e di tutti gli appassionati che hanno seguito l’evento da lontano. Ho copiato tutti i tweet della giornata marcati con l’hashtag #Mars500tweetup in un documento di Word. Non è stato banale, per qualche motivo il browser non rispondeva, quando ormai stavo per dare la colpa al browser di Microsoft ho realizzato che il documento word finale era da 107 pagine. E’ stato più duro del previsto ma ce l’ho fatta.

Troverete una moltitudine di lingue, principalmente inglese ed italiano, e conoscerete molti #spacetweeps

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Per chi c’era e chi non c’era, ma avrebbe desiderato esserci, benvenuti al tweetup!

olidax Greetings to #mars500tweetup. would love to be there. #spacehugs

mrmodesty76 @diegou already here, still waiting for @Romain_CHARLES! On the way from the airport… #Mars500tweetup

akanel The purpose of #mars500 was to study the effects on human physiology #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @JMORTEGA93: Return to Earth! 😀 in Rome! 😀 #Mars500Tweetup @ESA_Italia @esa @diegou @esa_es http://bit.ly/vI07vN

nhaima ~ Delfina Bertolotto, @diegou and @esa_italia in Fulvio Drigani #mars500tweetup http://ow.ly/i/mQmX

ESA_Italia Ecco l’orsacchiotto – RT @spacetweetup: RT @martincco: Get the party started at #Mars500tweetup @akanel @diegou http://yfrog.com/oewpegsj

spacetweetup RT @nhaima: ~ Delfina Bertolotto, @diegou and @esa_italia in Fulvio Drigani #mars500tweetuphttp://ow.ly/i/mQmX

Luke2375 According to ASI technical director we are going to Mars (really this time) by 2030 #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate What am I doing today? Meeting two of the Mars500 crew. What’s Mars500? It’s this http://bit.ly/seSQqL Very cool. 🙂 #mars500tweetup

RadioKate What am I doing today? Meeting two of the Mars500 crew. What’s Mars500? It’s this http://bit.ly/seSQqL Very cool. 🙂 #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @Luke2375: According to ASI technical director we are going to Mars (really this time) by 2030 #mars500tweetup

akanel Elena Feichtinger makes a presentation of the #mars500 experiment. #mars500tweetup

isapinza Romain è arrivato 🙂 #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup Arrival of @romain_charles to a round of applause #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@Romain_CHARLES just entered the twent! #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 @Romain_CHARLES we all welcome you! #Mars500tweetup

jkanel .@Romain_CHARLES just joined #Mars500tweetup

martincco Кој сака да го следи #Mars500tweetup следете го хаштагот. Луѓето симулираа мисија до Марс и сега претставуваат како беше 520 до Марс и назад

raulcafini 2 marsonauts in 2 minutes #Mars500tweetup

akanel This was a truly international crew! #mars500tweetup #SpaceUnites

mgilbir And @Romain_Charles has arrived to #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup ESA’s Mars500 project manager Elena Feichtinger – the full 520-day mission was truly international 3 Rus, 2 Eur, 1 Chinese #Mars500tweetup

nhaima Il bello del live.. @Romain_CHARLES è appena arrivato!! #Mars500tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/tKQQK8bG

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup La missione Mars500 e’ iniziata nel giugno 2010… russi, cinesi ed i due marsonauti ESA, @diegou e @Romain_CHARLES

nathanpwong OMG, during Mars 500 they had no internet! Horrible. #Mars500Tweetup

Leauickque Wahoo ! RT @nathanpwong: OMG, during Mars 500 they had no internet! Horrible. #Mars500Tweetup

jkanel #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup Romain has arrived RT @nhaima: Il bello del live.. @Romain_CHARLES è appena arrivato!! #Mars500tweetup http://bit.ly/vvaMlp

SpaceKate Aha! @romain_charles arrives! #mars500tweetup http://ow.ly/i/mQnz

JacDiam Follow #Mars500tweetup today!

mrmodesty76 @diegou and @Romain_CHARLES!!! Welcome to #Mars500tweetup!!! http://twitpic.com/7p6ked

akanel .@diegou taking the microphone #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup Elena Feichtinger parla del ruolo dell’ESA nel progetto. Ed ora la parola a Diego che saluta in italiano e prosegue in ENG

JMORTEGA93 Surprise at #Mars500Tweetup! Good surprise! @Romain_CHARLES has just arrived! 😀 @esa_es@ESA_Italia @esa @timmermansr http://pic.twitter.com/79iO4HMF

pressarea Un saluto a tutti gli amici in compagnia di @ESA_Italia 🙂 #Mars500tweetupHello to all of you #SpaceTweeps in Rome!

SpaceKate Cool – @esa was responsible for the psychological wellbeing of the #mars500 crew. Must have been tough being away 520 days. #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong Impressive tech support by @danielscuka here at #Mars500Tweetup

spacetweetup Hello! RT @pressarea: Un saluto a tutti gli amici in compagnia di @ESA_Italia 🙂 #Mars500tweetup Hello to all of you #SpaceTweeps in Rome!

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup – La parola a Romain, ingegnere, di nazionalità francese, ha partecipato con @diegou alla missione #Mars500

JMORTEGA93 Presentations! 🙂 @diegou @Romain_CHARLES #Mars500Tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/mYvrG37b

nhaima ~ @martincco at work 😀 #mars500tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/A4bSEbPr

akanel .@Charles_ROMAIN presenting the #mars500 crew #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @SpaceKate: @esa was responsible 4 psychological wellbeing of #mars500 crew. Must have been tough being away 520 days. #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 @diegou and @Romain_CHARLES saying hallo to all of us and introducing the entire crew #Mars500tweetup http://twitpic.com/7p6l4c

Luke2375 @Romain_CHARLES is introducing #mars500 crew #Mars500tweetup

nhaima ~ @diegou e @romain_charles sono super sorridenti!! È un piacere ascoltarli e vederli 🙂 #mars500tweetup

isapinza Presentation of the #mars500tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/DXKWq7uX

jkanel .@diegou and @Romain_CHARLES talking about the crew of #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @mrmodesty76: @diegou and @Romain_CHARLES saying hallo to us and introducing the entire crew #Mars500tweetup http://twitpic.com/7p6l4c

marcozambi Volete visitare la struttura di #mars500? Basta un viaggetto a Mosca. 🙂 #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate A crew of 3 ‘landed’ on Mars during the #Mars500 mission. @deigou was one of them. I wonder if the others were jealous? #mars500tweetup

mgilbir RT @nathanpwong: Impressive tech support by @danielscuka here at #Mars500Tweetup

danielscuka #mars500tweetup happening at a v. Cool hotel #Boscolo http://yfrog.com/h0ddltsvj

nathanpwong Participants only saw Mars for 1 month on their 520 day mission. #Mars500Tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @nhaima: ~ Delfina Bertolotto, @diegou and @esa_italia in Fulvio Drigani #mars500tweetuphttp://ow.ly/i/mQmX

mrmodesty76 @Romain_CHARLES doing a short presentation of #Mars500 mission! #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@Charles_ROMAIN “before we started the #mars500 mission we had a survival training course” #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @nathanpwong: Participants only saw Mars for 1 month on their 520 day mission. #Mars500Tweetup

Luke2375 before #Mars500 the crew took a survival training #Mars500tweetup

RikyUnreal . #mars500tweetup @diegou @Romain_CHARLES http://www.twitter.com/SpaceHumor/status/134193515163959296

zonnekijkster 20 enthousiaste twitteraars leren vandaag meer over de Mars500 missie en ontmoeten @diegou en @Romain_Charles Volg het live: #Mars500Tweetup

akanel .@diegou “we learned how to dock to the ISS’ #mars500tweetup

nhaima ~ durante la missione mars 500 sono stati eseguiti 15 esperimenti #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup More info about the #science during Mars500 study here: http://bit.ly/vpuoDC #Mars500tweetup

esa More info about the #science during Mars500 study here: http://bit.ly/vpuoDC #Mars500tweetup

timmermansr Wearing the #spacetweetup shirt! RT @nhaima: @martincco at work #mars500tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/3p7GefoR

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: RT @nathanpwong: Una missione di 520gg ma su Marte solo per un mese. #Mars500Tweetup

SpaceKate The psychologists made them fill out a lot of questionnaires to check their communication with the rest of the crew #mars500tweetup

datachick “@esa: More info about the #science during Mars500 study here: http://bit.ly/vpuoDC #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@diegou “communication between the crew was highly monitored” #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @akanel: .@diegou “communication between the crew was highly monitored” #mars500tweetup

momado_50 @spacetweetup Saluti a tutti #Mars500tweetup #SpaceTweeps in Rome

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: Info sugli esperimenti di scientifici durante Mars500 : http://bit.ly/vpuoDC #Mars500tweetup

mgilbir We just got a glimpse of the kind of visualizations we can expect as output of #mars500 regarding crew communication #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Blue light can affect circadian rhythms, so they did some tests with blue light in the #Mars500 module says @diegou #mars500tweetup

marcozambi Interesting experiment with blue lights in #mars500 simulator. Those guys were turning blue,literaly 🙂 #mars500tweetup

Leauickque @TiceUnivParis1 @misanthropolog @Aratta @MarineSoichot @Infusoir @CentraleLyon Merci pour vos mentions #ms_sevres11 #mars500tweetup #popcst

akanel .@diegou “we had like a thousand psychological experiments on #mars500#mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 #Mars500 a lot experiments related to human body reaction to isolation #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @SpaceKate: Blue light can affect circadian rhythms, they did some tests with blue light in #Mars500 module says @diegou #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup@diegou e @Romain_CHARLES ci stanno illustrando gli esperimenti, che strana cuffia hanno in testa Diego e co.

jarimakinen Another photo from #mars500tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/aFXubUB4

martincco These guys can go immediately to space, they have trained to do docking, landing, eating special food. Give them a spaceship #Mars500tweetup

Luke2375 #Mars500 crew followed a strict diet. “The food was good, but we enjoyed freedom when it was over” @Romain_CHARLES #Mars500tweetup

jkanel #Mar500tweetup Blue light effecting alertness levels was one of the experiments #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@romain_charles@esa experiments during #mars500 included environmental issues” #mars500tweetup

datachick “@akanel: .@diegou “we had like a thousand psychological experiments on #mars500#mars500tweetup

mgilbir Interesting experiment on microbial resistance of several coatings on aluminium plates #mars500tweetup Really great ideas!

marcozambi Impressionante vedere come in #mars500 Diego & Co. siano stati davvero cavie per psicologia, alimentazione e neurologia #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Nevermind WeightWatchers, @romain_charles explains their strict diet as part of an expt in #Mars500 http://ow.ly/i/mQp3 #mars500tweetup

jarimakinen #mars500tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/v01N7OKp

SpaceTweepMiep ♻ RT @starlingLX: @diegou @Romain_CHARLES @SpaceHuggie and @SpaceTweepMiep at #Mars500 pc http://pic.twitter.com/iE4Uv6Qh #Mars500Tweetup

Luke2375 #Mars500 crew had a Halloween party to break monotony #Mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 Good picture crew! 😛 #Mars500Tweetup@spacetweetup http://pic.twitter.com/WFjhSBUK

akanel .@diegou “celebrating Halloween was a nice day” #mars500tweetup

jkanel Also “greenhouse in space” of @astro_paolo was of major interest during #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

marcozambi La creatività e l’umorismo sono state un ottimo antidoto alla routine di bordo #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong Not always smooth sailing, Mars500 experienced emergency situations like power outages. #Mars500Tweetup

mgilbir They even had halloween inside! #mars500 http://yfrog.com/hs1nmdouj #mars500tweetup

mgilbir RT @marcozambi: La creatività e l’umorismo sono state un ottimo antidoto alla routine di bordo #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 It seems that these guys had a lot of fun inside #Mars500! But also hard work as researcher… #Mars500tweetup

Luke2375 #Mars500 crew was left 22 hours without electrical power, and they learnt only after that this was a simulation #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@diegou “only after 22 hours in the dark we were told that the power failure was a simulation” #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup The Mars500 crew also took part in @astro_paolo‘s #greenhouse experiment along with schoolkids throughout Europe #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate They had to deal with problems like power outages while in the module, says @romain_charles #mars500tweetup

mgilbir They celebrated western new year, russian new year, chinese new year…. basically they celebrated anything they could! 🙂 #mars500tweetup

LavaQue1RT @esa More info about the #science during Mars500 study here: http://bit.ly/vpuoDC #Mars500tweetup

timmermansr I am happy I watched the @esa livestream of the #mars500 press con yesterday. Makes it easier to follow #mars500tweetup today

martincco Lot of new years 🙂 Normal New Year, Russian New Year and Chinese New Year #Mars500tweetup celebrations

spacetweetup RT @martincco: Lot of new years 🙂 Normal New Year, Russian New Year and Chinese New Year #Mars500tweetup celebrations

akanel .@diegou showing a video of the mars landing simulation #mars500tweetup

mgilbir When they opened the hatch to the landing module they got stuff that their family had left for them. Morale boost! #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Best days of the mission were when they opened the hatch to the landing module and got extra supplies and gifts from family #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diegou “mars landing simulation was the most fun part of the #mars500 mission” #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 @diegou describing the landing to Mars… Exciting! #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@diegou “mars landing simulation included driving the mars rover!” #mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick Hanno avuto stress test per simulare la variazione di gravità #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Scientists wanted to check if, after 8 months, they were capable enough of driving rovers. Drove virtual Mars rovers. #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup #Mars500 virtual arrival on the Red Planet was on 1 February 2011, diary entry and video from back then http://bit.ly/u2EjTo #Mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: RT @martincco: Hanno festeggiato molti anni nuovi:) quello normale, quello russo e quello cinese #Mars500tweetup UAO!

martincco @ericarolfe Keeping the spirit of the #Mars500tweetup. All the times be prepared what ever happens even if a banner falls during interview

marcozambi Dopo otto mesi di isolamento i tecnici hanno testato la capacità di @diegou di pilotare un rover. Voi come guidereste? #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong Mars500 used the old MIR mission control center. #Mars500Tweetup

JulioMiravalls #Mars500tweetup Hoy, quedada de tuiteros en Roma con 2 ‘astronautas’ del experimento de ESA ‘500 días de viaje a Marte’http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Mars500/SEMRCBWWVUG_0.html

JMORTEGA93 #Mars500Tweetup ¡Sorprendente lo de esta gente! Son personas psicológicamente muy fuertes. @spacetweetup @esa_es

mgilbir They even simulated the flags planting. ESA, Russian and Chinese. @diegou spoke about Columbus and the discovery of Americas #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Spacesuits designed to weigh they same as they would do in Mars gravity says @diegou #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 @diegou describing a video about the EVA on red planet! Cool to see them wearing the spacesuit 🙂 #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate They planted an @esa flag, a Russian flag and a Chinese flag on the simulated Mars surface and said some words. #mars500tweetup

martincco Sasha Smoleevsky dedicated the first walk on Mars to the celebration of the 50 years from the first human space flight #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup The Mars500 facility ~ 4 hermetically sealed interconnected modules with a total volume of 550 m3 http://bit.ly/tvpWOO #mars500tweetup

esa The Mars500 facility ~ 4 hermetically sealed interconnected modules with a total volume of 550 m3 http://bit.ly/tvpWOO #mars500tweetup

esaoperations RT @nathanpwong Mars500 used the old MIR mission control center. #Mars500Tweetup

mgilbir International crew with different languages. They used gestures and hand signs. Problematic when weating a spacesuit #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diegou “I was the one who had to fall to the floor for the accident simulation. It hurt as much as it looks!” #mars500tweetup

isapinza Diego dice che la caduta ha fatto tanto male quanto sembra dal video 😛 #mars500 #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate They had to simulate a fall on Mars – @diegou pulled the short straw, fun video but “It hurt as much as it looks” he says. #mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 Turn of @Romain_CHARLES! #Mars500Tweetup @spacetweetup http://pic.twitter.com/WSONqKIL

spacetweetup RT @mgilbir: International crew w/ different languages. Used gestures & hand signs. Problematic when wearing a spacesuit #mars500tweetup

jkanel Falling on the surface of mars “hurts as much as it looks” says @diegou #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @SpaceKate: They had to simulate a fall on Mars @diegou pulled the short straw, fun video but “hurt as much as it looks” #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #Mars500 l’arrivo virtuale sul pianeta rosso è avvenuto il 1 feb 2011, diario e video di quei giorni http://bit.ly/u2EjTo #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@Romain_CHARLES “variety was vanishing away very quickly!” #mars500tweetup

raulcafini #Mars500tweetup very interesting story, glad to be here..

Luke2375 Every thursday Tuna #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate The journey back was more difficult than the way out says @Romain_Charles. The variety of food decreased rapidly. #mars500tweetup

jamesf40 @SpaceKate Thanks for the updates on #mars500tweetup Kate, sounds fascinating! 🙂

JMORTEGA93 Tuna! Tuna! Tuna! @Romain_CHARLES @spacetweetup #Mars500Tweetup

esaoperations Trip home was more difficult than outbound. Food choice was reduced… #mars500tweetup

mgilbir RT @esaoperations: Trip home was more difficult than outbound. Food choice was reduced… #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @esaoperations: Trip home was more difficult than outbound. Food choice was reduced… #mars500tweetup

martincco @JMORTEGA93 and @marcozambi signing the #Mars500tweetup poster that will be a gift for @esa @Romain_CHARLES and @diegou

IreneUrbina +1! RT @raulcafini: #Mars500tweetup very interesting story, glad to be here..

nathanpwong Repetitive nature of mission (food, science,..) made life hard especially on return to Earth. #Mars500Tweetup

mgilbir Repeating the same experiment so many times was having a big effect on them. Losing interest and motivation to keep doing it #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup Welcome Irene! RT @IreneUrbina: +1! RT @raulcafini: #Mars500tweetup very interesting story, glad to be here..

marcozambi Il viaggio di ritorno è stato più difficile di quello di andata per Charles. Dieta monotona,esperimenti routinari. #mars500tweetup

Luke2375 First results are coming hopefully in a couple of months #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

jarimakinen #mars500tweetup just now http://pic.twitter.com/hWdchaRC

mrmodesty76 #Mars500 @Romain_CHARLES Hardest part? Way back home, due to reduced variety of food… #Mars500tweetup

mgilbir The main drive to keep going with the experiments was that they wanted to give good data to the scientists #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @Luke2375: First results are coming hopefully in a couple of months #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

isapinza Per rompore la monotonia alcuni membri dell’equipaggio si sono rasati i capelli, Romain compreso 😛 #mars500 #mars500tweetup

marcozambi Per rompere la monotonia cosa meglio di rasarsi la testa a palla da biliardo? 🙂 #mars500tweetup

nhaima Durante la simulazione sono state piantate su Marte la bandiera @esa, russa e cinese. Hanno simulato atterraggio e marswalk #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @mgilbir: The main drive to keep going with the experiments was that they wanted to give good data to the scientists #mars500tweetup

ericarolfe Busy start but now time to enjoy listening to @diegou and @romain_charles at #Mars500tweetup great speakers!

isapinza Altri modi per rompere la monotonia, leggere, disegnare, coltivare nuovi skill #mars500 #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: RT @esaoperations: Il viaggio di ritorno è stato più difficile dell’andata. E la scelta del menu ridotta #mars500tweetup

martincco Кога си затворен 520 дена во едно место тешко е да најдеш поклон за роденден. Не можеш да одиш во продавница да купиш нешто #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@diego “I learned to draw a little bit better during the mission ” #mars500tweetup (cc @amoroso)

Paulo_Archie_GP RT @esaoperations: RT @nathanpwong #Mars500 used the old MIR mission control center. #Mars500Tweetup

SpaceKate Build up of excitement in the last few weeks – first smells, seeing so many people – very very impressive says @diegou #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diego “I will never forget the first falvours of Earth after hatch opening!” #mars500tweetup

mgilbir They celebrated birthdays to break monotony. They couldn’t go out & buy gifts. They just ate some of the favorite food #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @akanel: .@diego “I will never forget the first flavours of Earth after hatch opening!” #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 @diegou Excitement increasing in the last weeks… #Mars500tweetup

marcozambi Difficile controllare l’entusiasmo e le emozioni il giorno del “landing” per aver rivisto il resto del genere umano #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diego “seeing a baby move after 520 in isolation is very strange – common things become very rare” #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate On coming out of the module: “When I tasted new food it felt like I had been eating wood for the last 500 days” says @diegou #mars500tweetup

JulioMiravalls #Mars500tweetup Así fue el viaje marciano experimental de ESA. 500 días de fuerza mental (pero sin radiación espacial)http://www.esa.int/esaMI/Mars500/SEM64OBDNRF_0.html

nathanpwong Seeing everyday things after the mission was a rediscovered joy. #Mars500Tweetup

mgilbir Despite the great food inside, eating when getting out made me feel like I had been eating wood before @diegou #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup Anti-gravity device was activated for a special April fools crew portrait! http://bit.ly/rRo7D0 #Mars500tweetup

marcozambi Buona parte del cibo di bordo è stato fornito dall’azienda Italiana Granarolo. #mars500tweetup

mgilbir The little things in life look like wonders when getting out. @diegou tells us about how amazing is to see a baby move #mars500tweetup

akanel Adrea Borsari talking about preparing the food for the crew during #mars500 #mars500tweetup

Luke2375 Some food was prepared by Italian factory Granarolo #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 Food for the mission! 😀 @spacetweetup @esa_es @diegou @Romain_CHARLES #Mars500Tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/1xwZsULj

jkanel the simplest things seem very strange after 520 days, so the feelings were very strong on the day they landed back on earth. #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @jkanel: simplest things seem very strange after 520 days, so feelings were very strong on day they landed back on earth #Mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick La #Granarolo doveva rifornire giornalmente il cibo però doveva essere modificato in modo tale da adattarlo alle attività di #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @akanel: Andrea Borsari talking about preparing the food for the crew during #mars500 #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 Andrea Borsari from #Granarolo, their experience in #Mars500 involvement… Discussing about food of course #Mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick La conservazione dei prodotti doveva essere prolungata, dunque l’acqua deve sessere eliminata #mars500tweetup

mgilbir Now we are listening to Andrea Borsari from the company who prepared part of the food for the #mars500 crew #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Andrea Borsari is talking about developing dairy products that could last the duration of the #Mars500 mission. #Mars500tweetup

marcozambi As italians of course se provided some of the food for #mars500 crew. Parmigiano included #mars500tweetup cc @herrea @flyingjenny @craftlass

nhaima La Granarolo ha preparato gran parte del cibo per la missione 500. Andrea Borsari ci spiega come. #mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick poter aggiungere l’acqua prima del consumo #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 #Mars500 #Granarolo, they supplied for the mission lyophilized Yomo yogurt! Just add water and that’s it! 🙂 #Mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick #Parmigiano Regiano, The King of Cheese! #Granarolo#mars500tweetup

spacetweetup Mars500 Lunchtime meal http://bit.ly/rTYyJz & Martian pizzas: http://bit.ly/tv7Rde #Mars500tweetup

Luke2375 During #Mars500 mission @diegou listened to AstronautiCast, Italian podcast about space&astronautics #Mars500tweetup http://www.astronauticast.com

ericarolfe Sounds like parmeggiano best food for trip to mars! #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate #Mars500 crew members @romain_charles and @diegou at #mars500tweetup – this is fascinating http://ow.ly/i/mQsY

mgilbir I am sitting next to a very shaky @SpaceKate. Coffee starts to make its effect. Expect a twitter deluge from her now 😛 #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 Andrea Borsari said: Parmigiano Reggiano, the king of cheese! Up the italian flag! 🙂 #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Thank goodness they had cheese during #Mars500 mission. No way I could go to Mars without cheese. #Mars500tweetup

Luke2375 @ericarolfe Parmigiano Reggiano best food ever! #Mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: RT @Luke2375: s #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick #mars500tweetup Now 30 minutes dedicated to press questions

JMORTEGA93 Dentro de poco vemos a campofrío apoyando a la @esa @spacetweetup #Mars500Tweetup jajaja

nhaima ~ e mentre signor Granarolo parla di un tipico formaggio italiano “parmigiano reggiano” @diegou annuisce contento 😀#mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: RT @Luke2375: Tra un paio di mesi dovrebbero esserci i primi risultati della missione simulata #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

IreneUrbina Amen! RT @Luke2375: @ericarolfe Parmigiano Reggiano best food ever! #Mars500tweetup

mgilbir . @nathanpwong you are saved! 🙂 MT @SpaceKate: Thank goodness they had cheese. No way I could go to Mars without cheese. #Mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 1 question! @diegou #Mars500Tweetup

spacetweetup Question time for the press now at #Mars500tweetup ~#spacetweeps will have their chance for questions later…

mrmodesty76 #Mars500tweetup Q&A session…

danielscuka #truestory! RT @Luke2375 @ericarolfe Parmigiano Reggiano best food ever! #Mars500tweetup

Luke2375 Q&A Which trick would you suggest in a real trip to Mars to avoid monotony? #Mars500tweetup

nathanpwong Good communication with family and friends helped break up the monotony. #Mars500Tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @akanel: .@diegou “Durante la simulazione sul suolo marziano ho dovuto far finta di cadere e..fa male come dal vero” #mars500tweetup

isapinza Parmigiano on mars ! #mars500 #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Making communication as easy as possible will be important for real Mars missions say Diego and Romain #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @Luke2375: Q&A Which trick would you suggest in a real trip to Mars to avoid monotony? #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @nathanpwong: Good communication with family and friends helped break up the monotony. #Mars500Tweetup

mgilbir Press asking how similar was the simulation to a real mission to mars @diegou says that radiation and gravity are missing #mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick #mars500tweetup They can’t simulation the absence of gravity and the presence of radiation.

mgilbir Another aspect that was missing in this simulation was the risk of death (eg. when landing on mars) #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @mgilbir: Q: how similar was the simulation to a real mission to mars? @diegou says that radiation & gravity r missing #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diegou “lack of gravity was the one aspect of the trip to Mars that we cannot simulate” #mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 Radiation is the most different! #Mars500Tweetup @esa @spacetweetup

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: Mars500 pranzo http://bit.ly/rTYyJz & pizza marziana: http://bit.ly/tv7Rde #Mars500tweetup

nhaima “Una missione verso Marte sarà una missione verso una grande quantità di radiazioni che non abbiamo potuto simulare”@diegou #mars500tweetup

raulcafini #Mars500tweetup more ( wifi ) radiations here than in a space trip to mars?

esaoperations RT @akanel .@diegou “lack of gravity was the one aspect of the trip to Mars that we cannot simulate” #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate I have a tonne of questions for Romain and Diego – but if you have one too let me know and I will try to ask it. #mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick #mars500tweetup They use rushglish!

Luke2375 We could not simulate death and fear of death. A lot automatic rover didn’t get to Mars alive #Mars500tweetup #Mars500

Glez_Vecino@Luke2375: Which trick would you suggest in a real trip to Mars to avoid monotony? #Mars500tweetup” message: guys, it was in instead of cm.

mgilbir During the isolation they came up with a mixed language rusglish… a combination of russian and english #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong @mgilbir @SpaceKate I would deep fry so much of that cheese on Mars. #Mars500Tweetup

isapinza Alla fine usavano per comunicare un russinglese #mars500 #mars500tweetup

IreneUrbina Russglish: official #mars500 language 😉 #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate They spoke “Rusklish” in the module – part Russian part English. 🙂 #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup Q: Which language did you use between the international crew? RT @physicist_Rick: #mars500tweetup They use rushglish!

Luke2375 We could not simulate radiation and gravity absence #Mars500tweetup #Mars500

marcozambi #mars500 sientific results will be presented in Cologne in february and in Moscow in April. #mars500tweetup

jkanel Russnglish was the main language during the #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

mgilbir @nathanpwong They should add a deep fryer to the kitchen #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diego “the world moves faster out here – but we didn’t really have any adaptation problems” #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @marcozambi: #mars500 sientific results will be presented in Cologne in February and in Moscow in April. #mars500tweetup

martincco A mixture of Russian and English RT @jkanel: Russnglish was the main language during the #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

Stelygs Let’s dream of Mars exploration! Psychological aspects & feasibility of a long duration mission. Follow the #mars500tweetup hashtag!

denebdulfim RT @marcozambi: #mars500 sientific results will be presented in Cologne in February and in Moscow in April. #mars500tweetup

AstroSamantha lk on ISS 🙂 RT @spacetweetup: Q: Which language did U use between the int’l crew? RT @physicist_Rick: #mars500tweetup They use rushglish!

SpaceKate No particular problem with temperature or CO2 levels – although some people liked it hotter than others. #mars500tweetup

mgilbir Nice to see that @AstroSamantha is following our #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate They didn’t have a closed loop system for their water – isn’t that cheating? #mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 Hello! Kak dyela? 😀 woooo “rushglish” jajaja #Mars500Tweetup @spacetweetup @Romain_CHARLES @diegou

Luke2375 Would you like to be the first candidate to a real trip to Mars? #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

isapinza Non usavano acqua riciclata ma avevano comunque una scorta limitata da utilizzare #mars500 #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong With some questions in Italian, I am tempted as an American to speak louder and slower 😉 #Mars500Tweetup

IreneUrbina Would you go to Mars? #Mars500tweetup

mgilbir We are not part of the astronaut corps of ESA so we won’t be the first ones to be chosen for a mission to mars @diegou #mars500tweetup

Luke2375 @diegou is ready to go to Mars #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

pressarea Inimmaginabile l’enorme emozione degli uomini che mettono piede sul suolo marziano! No, dico,ma ci pensate? Work in progress #mars500tweetup

StelygsStefania #Mars500tweetup Sim Mars EVA in real but modified Orlan spacesuits used aboard the #ISS (~70 kg removed). http://twitpic.com/7p70fo

starlingLX Yesss! 🙂 “@mgilbir: Nice to see that @AstroSamantha is following our #mars500tweetup

datachick “@spacetweetup: Q: Which language did you use between the international crew? RT @physicist_Rick: #mars500tweetup They use rushglish!”

SpaceKate @nathanpwong Or you could just learn some Italian *shock* 😉 #mars500tweetup

mgilbir I’m proud to have been part of this simulation to Mars and to have helped understand how it can be done @diegou #mars500tweetup

akanel .@Romain_CHARLES “when I was a child I wanted to be an astronaut! My dream is still to go to space” #mars500tweetup

nhaima “Partecipare x me è stato Partecipare ad un passo molto importante nel processo che ci porterà su un altro pianeta” @diegou #mars500tweetup

Stelygs Some ‘problems’ during the mission: food monotony (eg. delicious oil tuna run out after only 1 month) & experiment monotony #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @akanel: .@Romain_CHARLES “when I was a child I wanted to be an astronaut! My dream is still to go to space” #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate “Like all young boys I wanted to be an astronaut” says @romain_charles – so I jumped at the opportunity of Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

mgilbir They asked us regularly if we wanted to go out… I always said no, I’m very stubborn @Romain_Charles #mars500tweetup

akanel .@Romain_CHARLES “I’m quite stuburn – I never wanted out” #mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick Q: Did you ever think : “ok. Stop. I wanna go out” ? @Romain_CHARLES “no. I really wanna stay till the end.” #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia @Romain_CHARLES “come tutti i bambini volevo fare l’astronauta! Ancora oggiil mio sogno è andare nello spazio #mars500tweetup

mgilbir We had really hard moments but we didn’t want to let them finish wihout us, so we just keep going @diegou #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate So @Romain_charles says that he is proud to have been part of this, a small step towards Mars. We are proud of you too 🙂 #mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick (cont.) @diegou “It’s not so simple because there was a strong bond with the teammate” #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup “Very hard times at some point, but leaving was not an option. You don’t want to leave without the rest of crew” @diegou #mars500tweetup

esaoperations RT @mgilbir They asked us regularly if we wanted to go out… I always said no, I’m very stubborn @Romain_Charles #mars500tweetup

Stelygs RT @Luke2375 First results are coming hopefully in a couple of months #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

SimSullen .@spacetweetup @ericarolfe @akanel @SpaceKate @martincco & all fellow spacetweeps: have a great time at #mars500tweetup. i’m jealous! 😉

IreneUrbina They nailed it!!! #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@diego “personal communication window was only twice a day” #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: #mars500 risultati scientifici saranno presentati a Coloni a feb ed a Mosca in aprile. #mars500tweetup

mgilbir We had a couple of windows a day to get personal communication,so effectively it meant 12hours delay & non-realtime @diegou #mars500tweetup

Leauickque RT @akanel: .@diego “personal communication window was only twice a day” #mars500tweetup

martincco They never wanted to go out, no matter what was happening with them physically and psychologically @diegou @Romain_CHARLES #Mars500tweetup

isapinza All’equipaggio è stato chiesto più volte se volevano uscire la risposta è sempre stata NO! #mars500 #mars500tweetup

Luke2375 Future projects? #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@Romain_CHARLES “reports and lessons learned are our next project for the next months w/ @esa#mars500tweetup

mgilbir Now we have to do reports and support the scientists to understand the results @Romain_Charles #mars500tweetup

IreneUrbina Plans for the future… #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate I wonder if @diegou and @romain_charles are bored of being asked “what next?” – tough for anyone to answer really… #mars500tweetup

mgilbir In May we will have a parabollic flight with the same crew says @diegou #mars500tweetup I think we will see @SpaceKate on that flight 😉

nathanpwong @diegou @Romain_CHARLES if you need some help on your parabolic flight from an “expert” let me know. #Mars500Tweetup

jkanel .@diego and @Romain_CHARLES both want to participate in space explorations in the future. #Mars500tweetup

Luke2375 Support scientist and share our experience. @Romain_CHARLES and @diegou wants to stay in the space world parabolic flight #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@diego “I want 2use the experience&knowledge I acquired 2help advance exploration of the solar system” #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @jkanel: .@diego and @Romain_CHARLES both want to participate in space explorations in the future. #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Romain asked at the beginning if there was a chance to join @esa astronaut corps after #Mars500. Was told “No”. #mars500tweetup

esaoperations RT @akanel .@diego “I want 2use the experience&knowledge I acquired 2help advance exploration of the solar system” #mars500tweetup

spacesuitmaster RT @Luke2375: During #Mars500 mission @diegou listened to AstronautiCast, Italian podcast about space&astronautics #Mars500tweetup

martincco @Esa said strictly NO, when @Romain_CHARLES asked to join the #Esa astronauts crew #Mars500tweetup

Leauickque RT @martincco: @Esa said strictly NO, when @Romain_CHARLES asked to join the #Esa astronauts crew #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@diego “knowing that you participated in something bigger than yourself is a great motivation” #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate People asked if he was crazy before he went in says @Romain_Charles -now they are proud to say “my son was part of #Mars500#mars500tweetup

isapinza L’equipaggio di #mars500 farà un volo parabolico prossimamente. Buon divertimento ragazzi, un assaggio di zero G!! #mars500 #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate @AstroSamantha I am! 🙂 Nice that you are following #mars500tweetup too. 🙂

ESA_Italia #mars500 #spacetweetup – Tra pochissimi minuti iniziamo il #Mars500tweetup! Stay tuned!

Leauickque RT @marcozambi: #mars500 sientific results will be presented in Cologne in february and in Moscow in April. #mars500tweetup

elarastar @akanel if you can, could you ask which Astro from Mercury, Gemini, Apollo era they would of liked onboard?! #Mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 @diegou contestando preguntas! #Mars500Tweetup @spacetweetup http://pic.twitter.com/dvdIbQYy

datachick “@akanel: .@diego “knowing that you participated in something bigger than yourself is a great motivation” #mars500tweetup

vincentlieser For real? RT @spacetweetup RT @Luke2375: According to ASI technical director we are going to Mars (really this time) by 2030 #mars500tweetup

Leauickque RT @vincentlieser: For real? RT @spacetweetup RT @Luke2375: According to ASI tech dir we are going to Mars by 2030 #mars500tweetup

akanel The proud sister!! @IreneUrbina and me :)) #Mars500tweetup http://twitpic.com/7p7bl6

nhaima ~ mars500 crew playing with Band Hero into the module! 😀 @diegou @romain_charles#mars500tweetup /cc @vjt http://ow.ly/i/mQz8

mrmodesty76 Me and @SpaceHuggie at #Mars500tweetup! 🙂 http://twitpic.com/7p7cnq

timmermansr @akanel Stop sending pics now. I can’t stand that I’m not there with you guys… 🙂 Have fun! #mars500tweetup

akanel @timmermansr sorry no can do!! Lol #Mars500tweetup

SpaceTweepMiep A picture with @mrmodesty76 @SpaceHuggie and me at the #Mars500Tweetup http://twitpic.com/7p7cnq

spacetweetup Getting ready for Part 2 #Mars500tweetup with @diegou, @romain_charles and @jarimakinen

spacetweetup First up… a surprise video Mars500 crew singing #Nirvana … er… stick to the day job? 😉 #Mars500tweetup

isapinza Great video of the crew singing and playing…. #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong Slight embarresment by @diegou upon the showing of a rock band session in Mars500. #Mars500Tweetup.

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup – Si comincia! E per noi in esclusiva il video musicale del gruppo ‘Mars500’!!! Ce l’hanno messa tutta ma….

jkanel .@diegou singing Nirvana – lithium #Mars500tweetup

nhaima ~ @diegou mi sa che si sta vergognando mentre vediamo video della sua performance canora dei Nirvana!! 😀 he’s a rockstar!! #mars500tweetup

enjellyfish Congratulation Diego Cobain! #mars500tweetup

akanel #mars500tweetup is really rocking!!!!

timmermansr Following the #mars500tweetup from a 1900’s setting at the @Openluchtmuseum today, while kids are iceskating. #CrazyWorld

mrmodesty76 #Mars500 crew playing Nirvana! @diegou singer! OMG! Back to scientific stuffs please 🙂 #Mars500tweetup http://twitpic.com/7p7g3e

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup…mi sa che se la sono cavata meglio su ‘Marte’. Peró troppo simpatici. Seguiteci, sta per iniziare lo @spacetweetup

SpaceKate Love the look on @diegou‘s face as they play a video of him singing in the module! #mars500tweetup http://ow.ly/i/mQAQ

SpaceKate Audioboo: Andrea Borsari of Granarolo explains how the #Mars500 crew took cheese to Mars #Mars500tweetup http://boo.fm/b576248 #space

IreneUrbina #Mars500tweetup @diegou & @romain_charles embarassed 🙂 http://yfrog.com/h6qkftqj

spacetweetup RT @SpaceKate: Love the look on @diegou‘s face as they play a video of him singing in the module! #mars500tweetup http://ow.ly/i/mQAQ

mgilbir Normal tweetups are in tents… we have our tweetup in a twhotel – Jaari #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup This tweetup doesn’t have a twent.. it has a twotel! #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate “I never thought I would say this, but I love copyright law” @diegou #mars500tweetup

martincco Nirvana – Lithium coming up to the #Mars500tweetup @diegou and @Romain_CHARLES are enjoying their performance http://yfrog.com/gyvxrugj

akanel .@Romain_CHARLES “advice to new participants: stay busy!” #mars500tweetup

mgilbir RT @nathanpwong: Slight embarresment by @diegou upon the showing of a rock band session in Mars500. #Mars500Tweetup.

JMORTEGA93 Let’s start! #Mars500Tweetup @spacetweetup http://pic.twitter.com/34oAlgBP

mrmodesty76 #Mars500tweetup Tweetup Q&A started! Time for us to ask and @diegou @Romain_CHARLES answer 🙂

spacetweetup RT @mrmodesty76: #Mars500tweetup Tweetup Q&A started! Time for us to ask and @diegou @Romain_CHARLES answer 🙂

elarastar @akanel Loving all the tweets!! 🙂 #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong Q: What would you suggest to future participants if there was a Mars1000 #Mars500Tweetup

akanel .@diego “patience and tolerance is the secret of success for this mission” #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong A: Always keep busy, be patient! #Mars500Tweetup

Leauickque RT @akanel: .@diego “patience and tolerance is the secret of success for this mission” #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diego “giving the secret recipe for marsian pizza” #mars500tweetup

Luke2375 During #Mars they pretend to eat pizza by putting mixed vegetables and cheese on some kind of russian crackers #Mars500tweetup

IreneUrbina Bello portare una buffala su Marte! Mozzarella!!! #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @akanel: .@diego “giving the secret recipe for marsian pizza” #mars500tweetup http://bit.ly/w4SpD0

danielscuka RT @akanel .@diego “patience and tolerance is the secret of success for this mission” #mars500tweetup

akanel Thanks!! RT @elarastar: @akanel Loving all the tweets!! 🙂 #mars500tweetup

datachick@spacetweetup: First up… a surprise video Mars500 crew singing #Nirvana … er… stick to the day job? 😉 #Mars500tweetup” <video link?

SpaceKate They made some “pizzas” with Russian crackers, stuff they’d grown & a bit of cheese. Not mozarella -no buffalo! says @diegou #mars500tweetup

starlingLX Ppl following #Mars500Tweetup should also follow #Mars500 Both in use. “Save the characters!” 😉 cc @schierholz

timmermansr RT @akanel: .@diegou “giving the secret recipe for martian pizza” #mars500tweetup

mgilbir RT @danielscuka: RT @akanel .@diegou “patience and tolerance is the secret of success for this mission” #mars500tweetup

cpamoa @mrmodesty76 remember that @SpaceHuggie have been held by @Astro_Wheels 10 days ago #Mars500tweetup#NASATw… (cont) http://deck.ly/~lOA48

spacetweetup Q: @mgilbir would you do it again? A: @diegou not right now, no! I am enjoying being out in the world #mars500tweetup

cpamoa RT @enjellyfish: Congratulation Diego Cobain! #mars500tweetup (cc @diegou)

akanel .@diego “during the mission I realised how much I love Earth” #mars500tweetup

mgilbir Another simulation like this again no. Going back in time &doing it again, yes. Going to mars, yes. One way trip, no @diegou #Mars500tweetup

akanel .@diego “zeroG would only make it more fun!” #mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 Good question of @Luke2375! #Mars500Tweetup

IreneUrbina @diegou loves earth so much! ❤ #Mars500tweetup

datachick @akanel: .@diego “zeroG would only make it more fun!” #mars500tweetup” < my next t-shirt

mgilbir RT @akanel: .@diegou “during the mission I realised how much I love Earth” #mars500tweetup

Luke2375 How much stress would reduced gravity add to a mission to Mars? @diegou answered that it will add fun 🙂 #Mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 #Mars500Tweetup food! Debe ser difícil no comer una paella o un espeto de sardinas durante tanto tiempo! :0

jkanel “I would do it again! but I woudnt do it twice” @diegou #Mars500tweetup

IreneUrbina Russglish ftw!!! #Mars500tweetup

martincco Curt Cobain и Nirvana беа дури на Марс 🙂 #Mars500tweetuphttp://yfrog.com/kgr92lwj

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: RT @SpaceKate: Guardate la faccia di Diego @diegou‘ mentre cantano nel modulo! #mars500tweetup http://ow.ly/i/mQAQ

Luke2375 I have filmed the top secret Nirvana performance of #Mars500 tweetup #Mars500tweetup

starlingLX .@diegou @Romain_CHARLES and @jarimakinen at #Mars500Tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/YElsj8mM

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup@diegou &@Romain_CHARLES provano a parlare in russo.

mgilbir They gave a try to their russian… Xarasho! @diegou @Romain_Charles #mars500tweetup

bethbeck I miss being with you at the “TWotel” @SpaceKate 😉 Cool program!! #mars500tweetup @ESA

akanel .@diegou “I would like to go to Mars but not on a one-way trip” #mars500tweetup

mgilbir Happiest moments for @Romsain_Charles: New year, opening the hatch to the lander, second birthday inside the module #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup Q @mgilbir happiest moment in capsule? A: @romain_charles opening martian lander was like a second Christmas! #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Opening up the Martian lander was like a second Christmas, says @Romain_Charles #mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 Momentos felices de @Romain_CHARLES! Special moments of @Romain_CHARLES! #Mars500Tweetup

SpaceKate Romain had 3 happiest moments – New Year – finding out how big it is in Russia, opening of Martian lander & his 2nd birthday #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong Happiest moments for @Romain_CHARLES of Mars 500 were New Years, opening of Martian Lander and Birthday #Mars500Tweetup

danielscuka RT @bethbeck I miss being with you at the “TWotel” @SpaceKate 😉 Cool program!! #mars500tweetup @ESA

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup – Aprire il portello del modulo di atterraggio è stato come Natale per me @Romain_CHARLES

starlingLX @Romain_CHARLES I had three happiest moments. New Year, opening hatches of Martian lander and the second birthday onboard. #Mars500Tweetup

mgilbir Hardest period for @Romain_Charles the moment around 1 year inside module. Journalists asking made him think about it #mars500tweetup

akanel .@Romain_CHARLES “on conclusion of 1 year in the mission I was forced to look at the big picture – all that I was missing” #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup Toughest moment in capsule? @romain_charles: it was around 1 year in the module looking back didn’t feel good #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup@Romain_CHARLES uscito dal modulo ho guardato le foto di un anno prima

spacetweetup Glad you can join virtually! 🙂 RT @bethbeck: I miss being with you at the “TWotel” @SpaceKate 😉 Cool program!! #mars500tweetup @ESA

SpaceKate Journalists asking questions about the 1st year in the module made @Romain_Charles think about the big picture – it was hard #mars500tweetup

DLR_de In Rom findet heute ein #SpaceTweetup zum Thema #Mars500 statt. Ihr könnt es unter dem Hashtag #mars500tweetup verfolgen. (HK)

ESA_Italia Mars500tweetup @diegou: i momenti migliori la passeggiaata marziana, aprire il modulo, esserci essere parte del progetto

mgilbir Hardest moment for @diegou when communication with friends and family was slower than usually (eg. holidays) #mars500tweetup

jkanel Happiest moments for @diegou was the spacewalk simulations #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @jkanel: Happiest moments for @diegou was the spacewalk simulations #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate It wasn’t real Mars, but it came pretty close to the excitement that you would feel on Mars, leaving the module says @diegou #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diegou “as I see this marsian surface I can imagine how it would feel to look through the eyes of the first man on mars” #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup – Mentre eravate nel modulo avete lanciato un concorso per i tweeps. Chi ha vinto? Decisione difficile, ancora non sanno.

JMORTEGA93 1as palabras: “No es el verdadero Marte, pero puedo sentirme cercano a la emoción que se puede sentir sobre Marte” @diegou #Mars500Tweetup

spacetweetup First thing did after leaving? @diegou lunch, tasting all the flavours. hugging our families… #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia Mars500tweetup – Anche se non era Marte, eravamo comunque eccitati di ‘atterrare’ sul pianeta rosso @diegou

akanel @Romain_CHARLES “on hatch opening there were so many people I couldnt even see my family and friends” #mars500tweetup

TigerGirl528 #SnoopyDance RT @akanel: #mars500tweetup is really rocking!!!!//Yes!

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup – Nessuno di voi ha mai avuto un attacco di panico o di ansia durante la missione? @Romain_CHARLES dice no, per fortuna.

martincco @ericarolfe and @SpaceHuggie really enjoying the #Mars500tweetup http://yfrog.com/khrs7jegj

IreneUrbina @diegou Talking about food & hugs 🙂 http://yfrog.com/gy2igpnkj #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup @romain_charles inside the modules had dreams about being outside the module #mars500tweetup

Leauickque RT @spacetweetup: .@romain_charles inside the modules had dreams about being outside the module #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #Mars500tweetup@Romain_CHARLES – Mentre ero nel modulo sognavo situazioni fuori dal modulo.

SpaceKate Inside the module I had dreams about being outside the module, but not the other way round says @romain_charles #mars500tweetup

IreneUrbina RT @germanchou: @IreneUrbina ЯЦSSGLISH ГTШ #Mars500tweetup

esaoperations http://yfrog.com/o0cp2uj session on right now answering #mars500tweetup participant Q’s

JMORTEGA93 Question of @raulcafini! #Mars500Tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/zLAvXBzy

spacetweetup RT @esaoperations: http://yfrog.com/o0cp2uj session on right now answering #mars500tweetup participant Q’s

akanel .@diegou “I feel more like a citizen of the world after the mission” #mars500tweetup

Luke2375 No anxiety or panic attacks during #Mars500 mission nor after it. @Romain_CHARLES dreamed about being outside #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup @diegou I feel more like a citizen of the world after taking part in such an international group #mars500tweetup

martincco Јазик – Language RT @IreneUrbina: RT @germanchou: @IreneUrbina ЯЦSSGLISH ГTШ #Mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #mars500tweetup – Si parla nuovamente di cibo, italiano al primo posto per @diegou ma anche francese e poi….c’era vino.. in polvere

SpaceKate “I feel more a part of mankind after working so closely with an international crew” says @diegou #mars500tweetup

IreneUrbina Powder wine, ewww! @romain_charles #Mars500tweetup

mgilbir We had two kinds of wine. Hot and cold wine in powder. We didn’t have much of it so it was just for special events #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #mars500tweetup – Il vino ‘in polvere’ era per le occasioni speciali (Natale, compleanni).

mgilbir RT @spacetweetup: .@diegou I feel more like a citizen of the world after taking part in such an international group #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @mgilbir: We had two kinds of wine. Hot and cold wine in powder. We didn’t have much, it was just for special events #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: .@diegou dopo aver fatto parte di questo gruppo internazionale mi sento cittadino del mondo, no limits #mars500tweetup

nathanpwong They had powdered wine for Mars500. Probably not up to bordeaux standards. #Mars500Tweetup

TigerGirl528 Love it. #Peace RT @akanel: @diegou “I feel more like a citizen of the world after the mission” #mars500tweetup//Cool! #Science

starlingLX .@diegou “I still feel like a European citizen but now even more like a citizen of this planet… a part of mankind.” #Mars500Tweetup

JacDiam What about mars gravity? #mars500tweetup http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=earth+mars+gravity

IreneUrbina Però non molto buono! RT @ESA_Italia: #mars500tweetup – Si parla nuovamente di cibo, (…) e poi….c’era vino.. in polvere.

nhaima Mi sento cittadino del mondo ora, dopo aver lavorato cosi a stretto contatto con un gruppo internazionale @diegou #mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 #Mars500Tweetup ¡Amigos! ¡Esto está siendo una gran experiencia! ;D ¡Saludos desde Roma para España! http://pic.twitter.com/brWYM4Ee

Luke2375 @JMORTEGA93 I do not believe the answer is really true. It is not going to be so easy #Mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #mars500tweetup – Le tute per le passeggiate spaziali erano molto pesanti ed ingombranti, cadere non è stato piacevole, ma dovevamo testare

martincco When you fall with a spacesuit it feels like you are putted in a fridge and pushed down @diegou #Mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick #Mars500tweetup @Romain_CHARLES “L’esperimento più difficile è stato un esperimento italiano”

bethbeck @esaoperations http://yfrog.com/o0cp2uj The @ESA ESRIN #Spacetweetup gurus. I miss being there. #mars500tweetup @ericarolfe

RadioKate Really fascinating hearing about #Mars500 at #mars500tweetup – see my @spacekate alter-ego for tweets. 🙂

mgilbir The hardest experiment for @Romain_Charles was an italian experiment to understand stress. Tight EEG cap, mouse not working #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #mars500tweetup @diegou & Romain_CHARLES descrivono quali per loro sono stati gli esperimenti piu difficili o meno amati.

mgilbir For @diegou the hardest experiment was an one with heavy weight & having to use electrodes that wouldn’t stick to the skin #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup most challenging science? @romain_diegou: stress reaction test. point 2 black dot on screen before & after sleep deprivation #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diegou “conflict resolution during the mission was very suttle.. Someone would just make a joke or smth” #mars500tweetup

mgilbir Really subtle and natural ways for conflict resolution inside the module during the #mars500 says @diegou #mars500tweetup

TigerGirl528 @astrojenny 😉 MT @mgilbir: Had 2 kinds of wine. Hot & cold wine in powder. We didn’t have much; just for special events #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @akanel: .@diegou “conflict resolution during the mission was very subtle.. Someone would just make a joke or smth” #mars500tweetup

akanel .@Romain_CHARLES “during the mars landing there was more room for us in the module ;)” #mars500tweetup

bethbeck I see so many #SpaceTweetup tweeps in #mars500tweetup pics. Let’s plan an #OffPlanetTweetup once we build our SpaceTweepCraft. 😉

SpaceKate Conflict resolution was quite subtle, used jokes or talking to get through problems says @diegou (cc @datachick@ #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup RT @bethbeck: I see so many #SpaceTweetup tweeps in #mars500tweetup pics. Let’s plan #OffPlanetTweetup once we build our SpaceTweepCraft. 😉

JustBe74 I wonder how that cold and hot wine in powder form tasted. #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate Did you miss your colleagues when they were on Mars? “We could call them every 4 hours – so we did!” says @romain_charles #mars500tweetup

marcozambi With 3 colleagues on the landing module of #mars500 the remaining 3 burned all copies of that Nirvana record, I think 😛 #mars500tweetup

raulcafini Food, wine.. It’s almost launch time! Please stop! 🙂 #Mars500tweetup

SpaceKate The crew who weren’t part of the landing party were very supportive, no jealousy says @diegou #mars500tweetup

martincco Nice idea RT @bethbeck: so many #SpaceTweetup‘s in #mars500tweetup pics. Let’s plan an #OffPlanetTweetup once we build our SpaceTweepCraft

mgilbir Despite being the whole time confined in the modules, their eyesight was not affected #mars500tweetup

Luke2375 What about adding a female to the crew? @Romain_CHARLES smiled 😀 #Mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93@raulcafini: Food, wine.. It’s almost launch time! Please stop! 🙂 #Mars500tweetup” hahahah

ESA_Italia #mars500tweetup abbiamo concluso la missione con successo, se ci fossero state donne nell’equipaggio avrebbero dovuto svolgere (continua)

yolobia RT @SpaceKate Inside the module I had dreams about being outside the module but not the other way round says @romain_charles #mars500tweetup

mgilbir A female crew member could have done everything that we did inside the module @Romain_Charles #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate A female crew member would have been able to do all the work that we did with no problem says @Romain_charles #mars500tweetup Yay #AFSC

JustBe74 YES! RT @bethbeck: I see so many #SpaceTweetup tweeps in #mars500tweetup Let’s plan an #OffPlanetTweetup once we build our SpaceTweepCraft!

ESA_Italia #mars500tweetup (cont) le stesse mansioni, mettere lo stesso impegno.

nathanpwong A: Nothing to compare it to, but mission was successful. #Mars500Tweetup

akanel @elarastar Uri Gagarin!! #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate After being in the module, Romain says he understands his body and mood swings much better. #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup .@romain_charles I understand much better my body and mood swings and I understand better the causes of that #mars500tweetup

mgilbir I didn’t find anything new about myself, but I understand what I knew much better (eg. my mood swings) says @Romain_Charles #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia #mars500tweetup – siete stati nel modulo per parecchio tempo, avete scoperto qualcosa in più di voi stessi e la cosa vi ha spaventati?

raulcafini I write wrong: i means lunch not launch but maybe is not so wrong on a #SpaceTweetup #Mars500tweetup

spacetweetup .@diegou got to know myself better. became obvious how much I need to communicate. #mars500tweetup

SpaceKate I have a question – when are we going to have #spacetweetup sleepover in the #Mars500 module? #mars500tweetup @diegou @romain_charles

ESA_Italia #mars500tweetup @Romain_CHARLES ‘ho capito meglio il mio corpo ed i miei umori e le cause’

marcozambi Female crewmember onboard #mars500? @diegou and @Charles_ROMAIN replied with smiles. #mars500tweetup

mgilbir I learnt more about how my body reacts physically (eg. what works best for you body) @diegou#mars500tweetup

starlingLX Q: Did u find out sth new about yourself on the trip? A:Nothing new, but we got to know ourselves a lot better. #Mars500Tweetup

ESA_Italia #mars500tweetup @diegou ‘ho imparato a conoscermi meglio ed era ovvio che avevo bisogno di comunicare’

SpaceKate “I believe that you had a big part in this mission” says @diegou about the tweeters 🙂 #mars500tweetup

isapinza Diego ha ringraziato tutti i tweeps per il supporto! Grazie a te per aver condiviso ! #Mars500tweetup

esa A special ESA @Storify about #Mars500 http://bit.ly/tiScUk incl. tweets from @diegou @romain_charles & #YT videos #mars500tweetup

akanel .@diegou “Thank you to tweeps who followed – you helped a lot and were part of this mission!” #mars500tweetup

physicist_Rick #Mars500tweetup Tweetup is over! Thanks @diegou @Romain_CHARLES ! 😀

Leauickque RT @esa: A special ESA @Storify about #Mars500 http://bit.ly/tiScUk incl. tweets from @diegou @romain_charles & #YT videos #mars500tweetup

martincco @diegou Said thank to all #spacetweeps that have sent them messages during the #Mars500 mission #Mars500tweetup

nhaima ~ @diegou “voglio ringraziare tutti voi da twitter xchè non avete idea di quanto i vostri messaggi siano stati d’aiuto” #mars500tweetup

spacetweetup .@diegou thx 2 everyone from Twitter – a huge help sending all your messages, u had a big part in this mission #mars500tweetup

esa .@diegou thx 2 everyone from Twitter – a huge help sending all your messages, u had a big part in this mission #mars500tweetup

mgilbir Question session is over, now autographs and then visit to #ESRIN#mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @esa: Una speciale ESA @Storify su #Mars500 http://bit.ly/tiScUk compresi tweets e video @diegou @romain_charles & #YT#mars500tweetup

starlingLX .@diegou “Thank you #spacetweeps, you had a big part in this mission too. You were a great help!” #Mars500Tweetup

elarastar Very happy that my question for the #Mars500 crew has been answered!!! 😀 #Mars500tweetup

nhaima ~ @diegou “siete stati parte importante della missione” #mars500tweetup commozione da parte nostra per queste parole 🙂 #mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 Presents!:) @esa_es @esa @spacetweetup #Mars500Tweetup http://pic.twitter.com/Q2ZbTd3v

spacetweetup #Mars500tweetup is wrapping up here in Rome – now signature and photo session for all the #spacetweeps

esa #Mars500tweetup is wrapping up here in Rome – now signature and photo session for all the #spacetweeps

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: .@diegou ringrazia tutti i Twitter, grazie dei messaggi avete avuto una parte importante nella missione #mars500tweetup

OseiasBeu_Icn RT @spacetweetup: .@diegou ringrazia tutti i Twitter, grazie dei messaggi avete avuto una parte importante nella missione #mars500tweetup

cpamoa thank you #mars500tweetup participant for all your tweets and pictures. It was like I was there !

spacetweetup @cpamoa @elarastar glad you enjoyed it, thanks for following! #mars500tweetup

mrmodesty76 Autograph session for @diegou and @Romain_CHARLES #Mars500tweetup http://twitpic.com/7p80df

spacetweetup #spacetweep gifts for @diegou & @romain_charles RT @JMORTEGA93: Presents!:) #Mars500Tweetup http://bit.ly/vNFAHN

SpaceComOne A wonderful and successful mission! #mars500tweetup

starlingLX .@diegou and @Romain_CHARLES with the #Mars500Tweetup posters. Design by @martincco 🙂 http://pic.twitter.com/3Ox3q8kY

spacetweetup RT @starlingLX: .@diegou and @Romain_CHARLES with the #Mars500Tweetup posters. Design by @martincco 🙂 http://bit.ly/up74Oe

AbdYosuak RT@esa #Mars500tweetup is wrapping up here in Rome – now signature and photo session for all the #spacetweeps

AbdYosuak RT@esa A special ESA @Storify about #Mars500 http://bit.ly/tiScUk incl. tweets from @diegou @romain_charles & #YT videos #mars500tweetup

ericarolfe @bethbeck we wish u were here at #Mars500tweetup !

spacetweetup To #spacetweeps at #mars500tweetup: Uploading your pics to Flickr? – don’t forget keyword ‘Mars500tweetup’ – we’ll make an album together

ericarolfe Fantastic feeling that so many #spacefriends joined in even though not here! #Mars500tweetup

timmermansr +1 @cpamoa: thank you #mars500tweetup participant for all your tweets and pictures. It was like I was there!

spacetweetup Some #lunch before heading to Frascati and ESRIN (home of @esa_italia) for the next leg of today’s #Mars500tweetup

charlottepoupon Wow suivre un #mars500tweetup depuis le Hab #MDRS le bonheur total !

NickAstronomer @ericarolfe It was really great to see the interactions, and some very interesting insights in to the mission.thanks to all! #mars500tweetup

jkanel Thank you for a great time at the #Mars500tweetup guys! @esa @ESA_Italia @esaoperations @spacetweetup

charlottepoupon @cpamoa tu es au #mars500tweetup ou tu RT ?

cpamoa @charlottepoupon non j’étais à la conf de presse hier à Paris, aujourd’hui je suis restée à la maison 🙂 #mars500tweetup

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: #spacetweep omaggi x @diegou & @romain_charles RT @JMORTEGA93: 🙂 #Mars500Tweetup http://bit.ly/vNFAHN

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: RT @starlingLX: .@diegou e @Romain_CHARLES con il poster #Mars500Tweetup Design by @martincco 🙂 http://bit.ly/up74Oe

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: #spacetweeps presenti al #mars500tweetup: Mettete le foto su Flickr? – Indicate ‘Mars500tweetup’ – e facciamo un album

ESA_Italia RT @spacetweetup: Pranzo veloce e si prosegue per Frascati ed ESRIN (patria di @esa_italia) per la seconda parte del #Mars500tweetup

Erin_Allen Loved reading the #Mars500tweetup tweets this morning but work is calling.

jamesf40 @ageekmom Are you following #Mars500Tweetup some fascinating insight coming from Rome, especially from @SpaceKate 🙂

ageekmom .@jamesf40 Yep! I follow @SpaceKate and will be following #Mars500Tweetup but I have an eye checkup this morning. 🙂

ageekmom RT @starlingLX: Ppl following #Mars500Tweetup should also follow #Mars500 Both in use.

isapinza E adesso gita all’ESRIN #Mars500 #Mars500tweetup

JMORTEGA93 Ahora que siga el día! 😀 #Mars500Tweetup @esa

SpaceTweepMiep @SpaceHuggie and me are having fun with @diegou and @Romain_CHARLES We want to give autographs too! 😀 http://pic.twitter.com/0Obqfedn #Mars500Tweetup

mrmodesty76 By bus to ESA ESRIN center in Frascati. #Mars500tweetup http://twitpic.com/7p8zj8

akanel On the bus to ESRIN w/ @diegou and 30 others 😉 #mars500tweetup

akanel Want!! RT @Luke2375: I have filmed the top secret Nirvana performance of #Mars500 tweetup #Mars500tweetup

jkanel On the bus heading to ESRIN. @diegou is onboard #Mars500Tweetup

Nightriff Wish I was in Rome with @diegou and the rest of the tweetup gang. Take pictures, guys! #mars500tweetup

akanel Nooot good! cc @diegou @Romain_CHARLES RT @JustBe74: I wonder how that cold and hot wine in powder form tasted. #mars500tweetup

marcozambi E ora via verso Esrin a Frascati. Cacofonia di lingue, accenti e esperienze sul bus. Fantastico! #mars500tweetup

jkanel RT @akanel: .@diegou “zeroG would only make it more fun!” #mars500tweetup

jkanel RT @akanel: .@diegou “during the mission I realised how much I love Earth” #mars500tweetup

ageekmom T-1 hour 2 minutes until #Mars500Tweetup at ESRIN in Frascati, Italy – per our community #NASATweetup wiki http://bit.ly/kUeZTQ 🙂

jkanel RT @akanel: .@diegou “giving the secret recipe for marsian pizza” #mars500tweetup

jkanel RT @akanel: .@diegou “patience and tolerance is the secret of success for this mission” #mars500tweetup

jkanel RT @akanel: .@diegou “knowing that you participated in something bigger than yourself is a great motivation” #mars500tweetup

orbiterra Looking forward to receiving #spacetweeps at #mars500tweetup at ESRIN shortly! 🙂

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3 risposte a #Mars500tweetup–Tutti i tweet

  1. Pingback: #Mars500tweetup–All the tweets « ALTEA Space

  2. Pingback: Incontro con i primi esploratori di Marte | Background noise

  3. Pingback: #Mars500tweetup | Background noise

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